Case Study 1

Psychoanalytic Techniques in Advertising Today: (Case Study on Anderson Analytic’s “AA-Projective” online research tool as applied to Gigi’s Closet, Intimate Apparel)

Stamford, CT – October 2, 2006–Anderson Analytics, a boutique market research consultancy, recently helped, a new online lingerie retailer, better understand how to segment today’s online women. The study utilized AA-Projective, an online, proprietary research tool that combines psychoanalytic projective methodology from the social sciences with Anderson Analytics’ state of the art text mining techniques.

The study, which identified five distinct segments of women, confirmed Gigi’s Closet’s hunch that the average sized American woman, referred to as ‘Ms. Online Plus’, feels underserved by current retailers such as Victoria’s Secrets who cater to a younger smaller woman. The study also discovered another very attractive segment of women, which Gigi’s Closet’s management had not previously identified, ‘The Career Woman’.

Kristina Haas, director of sales & marketing, commented that “Gigi’s Closet had expected the average American online woman (Ms. Online Plus) to be somewhat insecure, instead we found that she is sexually confident and uses lingerie to show this side of herself to her partner, while surprisingly ‘The Career Woman’ is much more insecure about her body image than we would have assumed. Apparently, size has little to do with our image of ourselves, and corporate stress can have a negative influence on our confidence.â€?

The online AA-Projective is an example of combining the fairly new discipline of text mining with a well-established psychoanalytic technique, which until now could only be used among small groups. The result is a methodology, which is not only extremely insightful but is also, for the first time, statistically valid. According to Dr. Anna Song, a consultant at Anderson Analytics, “AA-Projective is based upon years of empirical testing done in the field of personality psychology.

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